writer: Geoff Quiocho
Three games down. The 2nd season is well underway and there has to be one obvious fact to be said about the 3 teams, (yes that includes the rookie team mada pakaz). Improvement.
With 1 season under their belt the Chicksie Dix come back with virtually the same roster, but not the same team. The confusion and the uncertainty in the faces of last years players are no longer evident. In its stead, determination and heart. Expect to see this team more and more exciting each game. Now on to the recaps. After last weeks game, the Chicksie Dix are down 2 games early in the season. If there's something from last season they can do without, its the errors. The team was also very shaken up by the mild concussion of rookie 2nd base-women Lianna. Losing 18-24, the game was still fairly close. Left fielder Melo Espinosa continues to play consistenly well maintaining his 1.000 batting avg and 1.000 obp. Stephanie Santa Maria continues to rack up the RBI's also playing well in the outfield. With 8 more games to go, expect these individuals and every player on this team to put up numbers. If the chicksie's can cut down on the errors, a win shouldn't be too far away. Next game they play sister team, Mada Pakaz, the rookie co-ed team in which some have dubbed the equivalent to the Dodgers vs the Angels. I smell the beginning of a rivalry :-)
writer: Geoff Quiocho
Being on the Run Home Jacks, there is one common goal that they all shared. They want to win. Last season, the Jacks had a lot of growing up to do and fast. Like the Chicksie Dix, the Jacks are also for the most part the same roster, with a few additions, but definitely not the same team. Last season's team was filled with frustration but the drive to get better was there. And that's what the Jacks did. The Home Run Jacks are now contenders and a team that can no longer be taken lightly. Key returners Tim Tillman, Chris Villar, and Michael Santa Maria (The skipper!) are sure to clean up the bases this season. Like their 2 sister teams the Jacks are also down 2 games. Missing his first season game Chris Villar the Jack's resident slugger, hit 2 doubles the last game. Expect to see some home runs from this guy. Michael Santa Maria and Geoff Quiocho continue to rack up RBI's two games into the season. Another huge improvement from last season is the team's obp % and hits. The Jacks couldn't score runs and struggled getting on base. That isn't the case this season as the hits continue to rack up. Rookies Tim Valbuena, Alex, and Jericho are expected to contribute to the teams growing hit percentage. Now that the offense is on its way to solidity, the team needs to improves its defense. Doing so, they'll be on their way to racking up wins. With the increased energy and chemistry of the Jacks, the drive to win hasn't changed one bit. The difference? The jitters are gone, the smoke's cleared, and all that's left is a men's team determined to come out on top.
writer: Geoff Quiocho
The youngest of the 3 sister teams, Mada Pakaz is showing potential to become a contender given that the necessary improvements are made. Playing in this team there is a trait that every team needs in order to succeed. Enthusiasm. The charisma and energy that powers this team can lead to an exciting 1st season. Once the fundamentals and the 1st season jitters are edged out, expect this team to compete with our sister team the Chicksie Dix. All in fun of course ;-). Now on to the recaps. Also down 2 games, the Pakaz came off to a very good start. With only a limited amount of experienced players on the team, every player is on a crash course to becoming a good softball team. Last game as well as the past two games, rookies R.J. dela Fuente, C.J. Villaflor, and former Run Home Jacks player Royce lead the team in RBI's. Players of the week Cholo Espinosa and Rookie Alyssa Andres are holding it down on defense playing their respective positions very well. All in all there is a lot of room for improvement as far as hitting and the overall fundamentals of the game. With 8 more games I'm curious to see how far this team can go. Look forward to next weeks game as the Pakaz try to come out with they're first win. Being on the Pakaz, you already know who I'm going for :-P