Hello everyone,
Just wanted to say that I was very impress with all of the teams on Sunday. All 3 teams played with a lot of passion and heart and im sure everyone had fun. I just wanted to say that we are all really one BIG TEAM just on different teams hahaha, but lets support each other and encourage everyone. So this is our first time doing stats, umm i am going to add some more stats in the next game but this is what we have so far. For those people that dont know what it means : GP=games played, AT-BATS= times batted, R=runs, H=hits, RBI=runs batted in, HR=homerun, K=strikeouts, BB=walks, 1B=singles, 2B=doubles, 3B=triples, AVG.=batting average, OBP=on base percentage. So you can read up if you want more details on those stats online. Also I am asking for everyone to just look around your team for an MVP and they will receive something at the end of the season, and also look around for an MVP for all teams and that person will get something a little better. And the MVP will not just be judged for stats, but also for enthusiasm, if they come to practice, if they support all teams, you guys know what i mean. So just look for one. Also if some of you like writing, i would like to put some recaps of the game, so if you are interested in doing that just let me know thanx. ok enough with the talking, here are the stats.
Stats! lovely! Makes me that much more excited and focused while I'm up to bat! I love it, I love it, I love it! Baseball movtivation 101!